Friday, 10 August 2012

::::::||VU_Askari(MIT)||:::::: Impotent Announcement for Vu Students

Published On:  Friday, August 10, 2012

"The university do not intend to create any inconvenience to the students; however, being a student you should also be punctual & responsible for depositing your dues. VU is providing full assistance to its students & in return expect the same level of commitment from the students; however, due to a limited number of students the university has to take such measures which may hamper the accounts of some deserving or honest students.

As the examinations have ended & result to be announced shortly, all the students are advised to clear the dues in order to have a smooth LMS accessibility. Any student requiring some relief in payment has to adopt following course of action:

a)    Check his/her total outstanding;

b)    Make appropriate request & clearly mention the time of payment;

c)    Forward the request to their campus (home based, directly to VU);

d)    The respective campus should then forward it to VU with their recommendations (if possible, for habitual non-paying students, their parents should also be called at the campus);

e)    VU will then handle the request on case to case basis.

for more info Visit

Ali Khan
* ©yberian  *

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