Monday, 16 July 2012

::::::||VU_Askari(MIT)||:::::: current cs605 paper on 16 july 2012

Shared by Hania Anum

Current paper of cs605 on 16 July 16, 2012

there were 40 MCQs mostly were new Mcqs

12 extensive questions

4 questions of two marks

4 questions of 3 marks

4 questions of 5 marks

1. Which process model is best for the development of all kinds of software? 2 marks

2. two types of reviews ? 2 marks

3. When a system is called a Legacy System? 2 marks

4. Advantage of re engineering in Legacy system? 2 marks

5. How deadline of a product influence quality and resources of product ? 3 marks

6. Software configuration management is a design activity Give your answer yes or no. support your answer with reason. 3 marks

7. What is the potential benefit of modifying the source code and data ? 3 marks

8. MTTF = 48, MTTR = 4, calculate availability? 5 marks

9.  list the Steps of software re engineering ? 5 marks

10. Why prototyping is used in modeling the change in business processes before maing it part of new system ? 5 marks

11. Interdependency of each compatmentalized step is necessary ? what is the effect of interdependency on the over all projrct? 5 marks

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